garden wards

sun-bleached bamboo wind-chime hanging over green-gold ferns and slightly masked by the spikes of a green cordyline
blowing in the wind
Years ago I read about a man who tied ribbons
to trees; red magic to protect the space from harm.
Lost in my memories and sadly invisible
to google is the origin, but the idea
lives in my garden. Flapping lazy from the laurel
trees are the soft shades of green and gold, and the bolder
black and gold interflora ribbon ties that carried
flower hugs and scents of joy, colours of heartfelt words
here to my home to protect me from the loneliness
of missing; to clad me in the protection of love;
and woven into a now empty nest, one faded
green gold braid speaks it’s own poignant message of blackbirds
safely fledged, dancing now impatiently on the fence.