angel hair, pony tails or mexican feather grass

close-up of stipa tenuissima, a fine, soft grass that grows about 75 cms high, waves and whispers in the wind and bleaches blond in the summer sun.
stipa tenuissima,
A self-seeded arrangement of
stipa tenuissima and
white nigella continues
to delight me; as flowers
fade, the textured seed-balls
rattle with ripening seed
and their subtle colours weave
among the sun-bleached stipa.
Preparing to recreate
and extend this little patch
somewhere more convenient
excites my green thinking
collecting seeds, digging,
weeding; planning something
that will no longer be a
happy accident I feel
the thrill, anticipation
of glorious renewal
as the rest of my garden
billows in the full throttle
of summer’s maturity.