personal rainbows

White-gold whisps of stipa tenuissima grass, leaning downamong nigella seed heads and black lily-grass. In the background the evergreen pittosporum, laurel and bamboo.
mellow gold


The low sun catches my eyelashes, unleashes
rainbow sparkles in over-lapping half orbs of
multi-coloured stripes that rest peacefully while I
focus on my ever sleepier garden, but
leap and flicker when I attempt to bring them,
from peripheral, to the subject of my gaze.
I rather like the idea of my own personal rainbows,
coloured lights for the undoubted fade that is autumn,
jewelled fringes to mellow golden treasures
swallowed up by the evergreen and skeleton
structures that prepare for the frosted limelight
while theĀ gemstone colours are regaining their strength