bloodred rosy

deep red peony shoots and box clippings in the foreground almost hide the bright red ruby shoots of geranium peeping through the gravel.
background rubies
Blood red rubies scattered on the ground
glistening under bleeding skies; magnet
to my aching heart, my tiger pounce
among decomposing leaves, winter
greyed gravel and lilac twigs fallen
in turmoil as winter storms regret
the leaving of this secret jungle.
The rubies, blood red rosy tips; hard,
swollen from the ground, resist and sing
remember me, remember me: Ann
Folkard, I dance restless, scramble wild
among your drifts and avenues. Bring
chaos to the order, smother bronze
pillows over less robust jewels
mark their graves with black eyed purple stains.
Remember me, remember, I am
the resurrection, blood red bleeding
reaching, grasping, racing for the sun;
my scream-pink posies, cat-claw seed pods
untamed magic: eye of newt, toe of
frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog, rising;
rising tiger, bleeding dragon tears
spilling out, way, way beyond your grasp.