spring confidence

closeup of four white snakeshead fritillaries and four taller ones with purple checkerboard heads. the grey-green strappy foliage is seen again a white textured pot and winterbrown fern.
basking snakes
The day arrives without fluster
quiet dawn makes a slow reveal
behind grey masquerading cloud
relaxed after yesterday’s wild
bluster. The heavy rolls persist
their couch-potato languor, idle
imitations of persistent
winter foiled by the gleam of spring,
confident now, established by
ladybirds, lily beetle, bees,
butterflies, wood louse – all manner
of fluttering, scurrying, creep;
and beady eyes of foraging
birds intent on satisfying
the constant hunger of new life.
The tiny dinosaur cousins
evolving in my laurel hedge
will soon, too soon, be stretching out
their newly feathered wings, dancing
on the fence, glossy in summer
sun, singing their very own song.


closeup of a white Magnolia Stellata bloom bathed in sunlight. it sits against a tangled background of magnolia buds and blossom
sunlight stellate
Daggers of light bounce from glossy laurel
through reaching petals of translucent white
stellata; elegant blooms turned to the
sun, shivering like the swan lake chorus
echoing melancholy through strong gusts
of bitter wind. Fingers of fatsia
flash diamond gleams, shafts from clapping hands
robust enough to capture wild sunbeams
bouquets for the prima ballerina;
the adoration of the evergreen
for the fleeting miracles of springtime.

bloodred rosy

deep red peony shoots and box clippings in the foreground almost hide the bright red ruby shoots of geranium peeping through the gravel.
background rubies
Blood red rubies scattered on the ground
glistening under bleeding skies; magnet
to my aching heart, my tiger pounce
among decomposing leaves, winter
greyed gravel and lilac twigs fallen
in turmoil as winter storms regret
the leaving of this secret jungle.
The rubies, blood red rosy tips; hard,
swollen from the ground, resist and sing
remember me, remember me: Ann
Folkard, I dance restless, scramble wild
among your drifts and avenues. Bring
chaos to the order, smother bronze
pillows over less robust jewels
mark their graves with black eyed purple stains.
Remember me, remember, I am
the resurrection, blood red bleeding
reaching, grasping, racing for the sun;
my scream-pink posies, cat-claw seed pods
untamed magic: eye of newt, toe of
frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog, rising;
rising tiger, bleeding dragon tears
spilling out, way, way beyond your grasp.

thinking ahead

close up of three round milk chocloates each with a covered hazelnut and one darker chocolate stripe. They sit on a blue and white Copenhagen porcelain plate
porcelain flowers, chocolate dream


Soon I will need to step out of my garden
onto some other stage for this poetic blog;
it will have been one year and the reveal, to be
a reveal, needs to show that I do more than
tinker with my computer, potter around
my patch of earth. These are the bones of my days,
regular shape on which to hang the poet,
the artist, the creative identity
without which I cease to be me, cease to be
cohesive; fragment into marking time. Time
without purpose, filled by consumption; dreaming
of chocolate, cherry twig tea, gently steamed
egg, toasted sunflower seeds, ginger baked salmon,
peanut-pineapple curry. Lunch flavoured with
sea breezes, dinner savoured with warm moonlight,
eating out, eating in, the food of life might
be enough?

spring dream

looking up over the dark green hedge at a mottled army of grey cloud layered under the now invisible blue sky.
grey army
The season of deceitfulness calls me
out of my slumber with a clear blue sky
and flaming rose-gold sunrise, promises
of warmth in my bones and the inner glow
of new life. Calls me, thrills me; and leaves me,
hopes dashed by a silent army of grey
gliding surreptitiously over the blue,
smothering nascent gold in the vestige
of constant dull, tenacious cold, the wet
winter commitment unrivalled by spring’s
flighty capriciousness, playing the game,
the hide and seek game, well past its use by;
well past my capacity for belief;
igniting strategies of denial;
and yet. I still dream of the golden dawn
extending bright beams like welcoming arms.

wait, don’t wait…

close-up of a clump of small white flowers and part of the rim of their blue pot
to look at
Planting time February to April;
I bury them deeply in potting compost,
add bridal daffodils ready to unsheathe
their wedding gowns, and neat clumps of something
dainty and green with tiny white blossom;
something to look at now, while I wait, but
don’t wait. Immersing myself in this now,
this foretaste of springtime, birdsong and
daylight; not looking beyond the season
of lively and energetic hope; warmth
in the deeply comforting outdoor days
that promise, that swear, that this time it’s for real.

insufficient proof

a view of deep blue sky with bright white sun near the right hand edge, pointing Fatsia leaf-fingers bottom right, cloudy bottom edge and a few wisps of white cloud along the top
blue sky thinking
Fabulous fat bumble
trumbles sleepily
through the sunny
places, amazes my
unconvinced heart;
is this the herald?
rumbling springtime
while I hide behind
double glazing, the
warm illusion and
clear, blue sky thinking
insufficient proof
for the cynic within.

razor wind

a small primrose plants with five yellow blooms and unopen buds, has taken root in the gravel pathway
Discarded salopettes,
zippered woollen hoodie
and the Don-alike sheepskin
protect me from razor wind;
hunkered close to the earth,
warm in the full glare of
midday sun, I’m repeating
the springtime ritual,
weeding cheeky primrose
from their favoured path,
hoping to relocate them
to the whim of my choosing.


close-up of white hellebor blossom, in the sunlight they appear green against a green background, only the very bottom blossom petals look white
Light beckons
pleated folds
of cyclamen
to peep through mottled heart
mounds of leaves;
draws swords of
and hellebore
rosing shy faces, sun
beaming bright;
hints swellings
on branches
yet brown and bare
and pale wisps of snakes head
twist from earth
still ringing
snowdrop bells
and hiding
black, hairy
fiddleheads, hushed
by cold wind, reluctant
to unfurl
but waiting,
just waiting.

like krabbelurer, but not

one pale blue iris blossom, blue veined and speckled, against a dark background of brown and green fern fronds
bleached magic
In speckled blue of spring eggs
splatted, Krabbelurer but
regular, with flecks of gold,
returning iris thrust through
winter soil to catch my breath;
shyly full of mystery
Unlike their midnight cousins’
deeply silent contrasts, these
sing with soft promises of
life; age and innocence of
love, of laced fragrance and hope;
bleached magic of summer sun.
A forever winding road.