rainbow black

Photoshopped image of one of the crowns of ice that form on my garden table, this is predominently blue and white on a black background and reminds me of a hasty brass rubbing.
ice fire
Rainbow shiny black, like severed digits
from a hostage hand, two feathers lying
still attached to skin, caught my attention;
remains of a wing, it’s iridescence
yet dancing on the lifeless, broken form
drew my gaze to the rest of the carnage;
remains of a disembowelled corvid
the naked, blue tinted breast hollowed out,
headless, discarded on the frozen ground
it’s smell lingering. Not my favourite
aspect of the garden; the balance of
wild with carefully manicured spaces
often overlooks the taking of life;
and the unpredictability
of the process of killing.

box ballerinas

six clipped box cones pointing in different directions, on each side of a pathway through gravel. The image is predominantly green.
Box, like wind tossed galleons
dip and sway, pointing bows in
a confused piggle of rough
seas until I approach with
sharp steel; intent on trimming
galleons back to tiny
ballerinas, elegant
in a chorus-line of green
twirl, interspersed with tutus
of budding peonies in
deep heart-red, each one dancing
to memories of music
composed before time began;
before galleons, before sopranos,
sallied forth to encompass
the stage, their world, with their girth.


looking into the crown of a hellebor plant, the white buds are visible behind the grey-green leaves. there are also spikes of snowdrops and opening blossom
The hellebor hides fat white buds
low under broad grey-green leaves;
like armour-plating they extend
sharp-edged fingers of strong, thick
protection that lie low in frosts
but stretch out in the sunlight
revealing their newborn charges
swelling on the bosom of earth.

stormy weather

on a black background, a side view of a circle of ice looking rather like a crown with a smooth lower edge and a jagged top like a jewelled crown. There are wisps of brown fren embedded in the ice
crown jewel
Hordes of glittered ball gowns stream
urgently through my garden,
twirl and melt among diamonds
cascaded from the necks of
fairytale queens; princesses
kissing frogs or fleeing midnight
mirrors weeping into dark
puddles of flash-flooded earth.
And the frenzy fades, smiles on
gentle warmth, hints and whispers
of music and dancing far
from the ice court; with colours
blazing promises of golden days
pollen crowns and nectar toasts;
awakening a rage of
stamping feet and glass slippers
shatt’ring their fury in white
shards that bite into exposed
flesh and bone, unprotected
by innocence; abandoned and
vulnerable by virtue
of age and experience.

in the greens

Snowdrops 2 ps smaller

As soft grey-green tipped white
they point skywards in small
huddles my heart lifts to see,
I ponder the thrill of
surprise; unexpected
earliness after years
of modestly awaiting
March or even April,
waiting while I purchased
more early in the greens
chose sunny planting spots
before unwinding rubber
bands, unfolding wrapped leaves;
transferring to prepared
destinations, to be
admired until their late cousins
emerged; but look, it’s still
February and the white
tips swell, point and gleam, dip
hints of green patterned bells
sing Valentine, guess who
dares to send the paper lace
dares to send the snow bells
Galanthus Nivalis,
the herald and memory of love.

winter bones, evergreen cones

moon 1 ps smaller

Starlight, giddy overhead,
blinks on the dark mystery
of winter bones, evergreen cones
pointing hither and thither,
dancing between the highlights;
exciting eruptions of
shy rosettes, softly grey shoots
hidden in shadows of box;
twirling, teasing hints of how
the world works, how the magic
persists even when belief
sinks below the horizon.


an early view over the frosty hedge towards trees slihoutted against a golden sky
early morning
Hush, my garden sleeps,
and I, creeping quietly,
tiptoe with sword and spear.
Loppers, pruners and the saw
that will perform the nips
and tucks that shape and size
her wild enthusiastic growth,
confine her to the boundaries
of youthful vigour soon to be
twirling round her gnarling
trunks, forgetful
of passing years,
at peace in a
present moment.
I cleave my way through
herbaceous hearts,
dividing, subtracting,
silent seeking
the holy grail
of eternal, renewal,
forever young.
I tiptoe unconvinced
by this show of sleeping.

fairy tale

Ice sculpture, a mass of pointy ice turrets catching the light filtering through the trees behind.
castles in the air
I dream of sudden daisies
to kneel among, crisp, white as snow;
blankets tucked under sunbeams of
rogue dandelion, pink blushing
angels of a new age, daring
to stretch out from manicured green
or waving from the river bank
defiant of seasons, seeking
only the reemergence of 
light to lay upon the earth 
a dusting of spring fondant.
I dream of dancing,
symbolic as a bride,
on this wedding cake of earth,
of life, catching the
auspicious moment
like breath drawn involuntarily
into a complete enchantment.
I dream of sudden daisies
and wild green aromas of spring.




New Year

tiny shocking pink cyclamen flowers and their green and white leaves thrusting through a frosted bed of fallen leaves
voodoo cyclamen
Like Damien Hurst’s skull
my garden skeleton,
coated in diamonds,
glitters white in the sun;
paused in winter decay
under frosted sunlight.
Shocking pink cyclamen
in defiant whisper
of hot colour to come,
curl tiny faces from
the glistening bones,
voodoo jewels piercing
the monochrome magic.





glimpse of a small cobbled path through a tunnel of greenery all laden with snow

The season to be merry;
ivy bursts it’s vigorous
way through the dragon-cloud hedge,
holly and mistletoe conspicuously
absent. White cyclamen peer
through the fallen red leavings
now cinnamon shades of spiced
mulled wine. Astonishing green
profusion heralds muscari
blue, tossed and tangled in winter
whirlwinds while stouter sleepers
poke thumbs of red and greenish
through the frozen crust, unconvinced
by still-dark days to add promises
of more; of colours and textures,
glories of sight and scents, yet
clamouring in the wings of hope.